WordPress Consultant Time for Jitterbug Contributions?

Pete Mall did an awesome thing:

Then George Mamdashvili (mamaduka) said:

Should I?

If I add extra contributor rewards for the $100 level for an hour of ‘pick my brain’/consulting from any of the participating WordPress types, that would be kind of cool, because then I could tally up how much $ came in via those guys, and I could give them the appropriate cumulative reward (vs a contributor getting the care package, shirt, mug, etc and the generous consultant not being recognized). Anyone who wanted to limit the number of people who could redeem the offer could specify how many to limit it to and be listed individually – if there are only a couple, then might as well list everyone individually for easier tracking.

So does this sound like a good idea? Anyone else want to contribute by way of donating an hour of consulting time?

P.S. You can back the Jitterbug on Kickstarter.

24 thoughts on “WordPress Consultant Time for Jitterbug Contributions?

  1. Count me in for a half dozen in March. Can do WP training, site reviews, install/upgrades or just an hour if ‘pick my brain on WP’ type stuffs.

  2. This is an awesome idea. I think we’ll see more of this in the future.

    I’m definitely in with 6-8 hours. As a plus, I can do the consults on spanish, if someone requires that.

  3. I’d be happy to do about six or so, perhaps admin UI and related code review for plugins/themes/etc.? 🙂

  4. I’m in for general WordPress training, plugin/theme help, Shopp consultation, general troubleshooting. I’ll commit to one session/day for 30 days with a loose limit.

  5. ContentRobot loves both WordPress and bakery goodies and are excited to get involved in this project. We would like to offer an hour of our WeFixWP services for a $100 donation (better than our current $125/hr rate). These services can include:

    – Theme enhancements, improvements, and fixes
    – Adding additional blog functionality via programming, 3rd party applications, widgets, and plugins
    – Software upgrades and plugin updates
    – Recovery from installation/upgrade errors
    – Security and performance audits
    – Blog migrations to better WordPress hosts

    We can offer 10 hours total. Looking forward to helping out WP bloggers and making your dream a reality!

    Karen Jackie & Dana Rockel, Co-Founders of ContentRobot

  6. Happy to back the Jitterbug, and I’ll also offer myself up for a few (five or six? I’m flexible) theme-related consulting hours (also happy to include any general HTML/CSS/SASS topics in that).

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